Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val

Tretyakov Art Gallery on Krymsky Val (Russian Art of the 20th century)

This tour is for the modern art lovers of the world! Be introduced to a fantastic collection of 20th century Russian art found in the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val, as well as the many beautiful sculptures of Muzeon Park.

A visit to the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val offers you the opportunity to learn more about the history of Russian art during the 20th century – as well as some of the most famous Russian artists of the time. Beginning with the Russian Avant-garde era, this significant collection includes the extraordinary work Composition #7 by Vasily Kandinsky. However, as the century progressed, so too did the artworks – resulting in many exceptional paintings by Soviet artists, which you’ll see, such as New Moscow by Yury Pimenov. Later, the years between the 1930s and 1950s, produced what was known as the ‘Soviet Art of Official Optimism’, a period that is perfectly captured by Alexandr Gerasimov’s masterpiece Stalin and Voroshilov in the Kremlin.

During the tour you’ll also be able to see an excellent collection of drawings by artists who studied at the Leningrad school, including a portrait of Anna Akhmatova by Nikolay Tyrsa. While, in parallel to what was happening at that time, the Soviet underground art movement took off, something which is exemplified by the piece One Ruble #3 by Oscar Rabin. And, as the 20th century came to close, it also produced a number of modern works by Russian artists, such as Yalta Café by Natalia Nesterova – all of which you’ll have the chance to admire!

This tour takes approximately 3 hours.

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