Travel Agency in Moscow, Russia | Russian Travel Agents


Meet My Country specializes in providing visitors with tours and excursions that highlight the wonders of Moscow and its many facets, from art and architecture to history and politics.

We’re a family business run by my husband Alex and myself together with a small support staff and an extensive pool of expert guides.

The company was started some thirty years ago when Alex, at that time working as an engineer and wanting to further his post graduate studies, decided to improve his English by acting as a guide for foreign visitors to Moscow. The range of Russian culture and achievements that his work uncovered ignited a passion for the country and the tourist industry in both of us, and persuaded me to join him in the business. Trained as an economist I took on the role of organizing and structuring the services the company had to offer. Since then, working together, and touring the world in our free time, we have built up a formidable team of the top guides in the city.

The company focuses not just on the range of famous attractions that Moscow is known for, but also on the more unusual and less known aspects of the city, and the deeper history and culture behind them. Whilst still a small family run business, and thus able to keep the various tours affordable, the company caters to visitors looking for uncompromising service and a deeper insight into what makes the city what it is, and to a more customized and bespoke approach to providing this. The company has a proven track record working with high profile clients, the top hotels in the city and international corporations sending groups to Russia.

It is this combination of deeply knowledgeable guides, the shared passion for the subject matter and love of country, all bound together with seamless behind the scenes coordination that makes Meet My Country the premier tour and guiding provider in Moscow.